Success Story - Wrist Pain
Recently, we had a female patient in her mid-20’s come into the practice complaining of pain in her right wrist. She is an avid weight lifter and while she never felt the pain during her workouts, she wasn’t sure if it had anything to do with her routine at the gym. She wore a wrist brace, increased her mobility exercises in the gym, and tried physical therapy. When none of this seemed to help, she made an appointment with Chicago Conservative Care to try something new. To her surprise, she received answers and solutions on the very first visit,and didn’t have to take any time off of the gym. Dr. Hoberland determined that there was nerve compression in her wrist due to a poor work from home setup. Together, they figured out what the ergonomic fixes for decreasing the repetitive strain, as well as receiving exercises to do at home to help with pain and alignment. This patient had also been experiencing elbow and shoulder pain but was unaware that the issue could be connected to her wrist. Dr. Hoberland also addressed these issues and provided easy to understand directions and education to help this patient into the future. This patient came into the office once a week for 3 weeks regarding her wrist pain and it has since become a non-issue. If she ever feels pain or discomfort, she simply does the exercises given throughout the treatment and considers wrist positioning that may be contributing to the relapse.