Success Story - Foot Pain
Our next success story comes from a male patient in his mid-50s who suffered from severe foot pain. When this patient came to our office, he had seen multiple providers including his primary care provider, physical therapist, podiatrist, and another chiropractor, none of which could find a resolution to his foot condition. The patient was experiencing intermittent sharp pain in the bottom of his foot and toes that made it painful to walk. As frustrated as he was, he still decided to give Chicago Conservative Care a shot. When Dr. Hoberland examined him using the McKenzie method, it became clear that he also had a problem with his lower back (which he attributed to “normal wear and tear”). In reality, this low-level back discomfort and lack of mobility was the source of his foot pain. He was shocked to find out that the pain may not actually be in his foot and that no one had asked or examined his lower back previously. During his treatment plan, he was educated about positions that may have contributed to his lower back issue and taught exercises to overcome his nerve impingement, which ultimately resolved his foot pain.
He ‘graduated’ from his treatment plan in only 7 visits, coming once a week for 4 weeks and then once every other week for the remaining three. He’s now almost two years out from ‘graduating’ and comes in as needed for maintenance check ins. When speaking with him, he mentioned that the extension exercises have changed his life drastically but in the simplest of ways. If he starts to feel a flare up, he knows to throw in a few extra rounds of extensions into his day and the pain will be cleared in no time. He said his visits were educational and enjoyable and he always left the office feeling heard and taken care of, while also feeling independent in his pain management. He is virtually pain free compared to a few years ago and has referred many people to our practice because of how accessible, simple, and effective our treatments are for people of all ages. It was a pleasure for us to work on this patient and are so pleased to know that he continues to keep up with his exercises when needed and is living pain free!